Joint Commission
Public Notice
Great Plains Regional Medical Center is accredited by the Joint Commission. The Joint Commission conducts accreditation surveys of Great Plains Regional Medical Center on an unannounced basis.
The purpose of a survey is to evaluate the organization’s compliance with nationally established Joint Commission standards. The survey results are used to determine whether, and the conditions under which, accreditation should be awarded to the organization.
Joint Commission standards deal with the organization quality, safety-of-care issues, and the safety of the environment in which care is provided.
Anyone believing that he or she has pertinent and valid information about such matters is encouraged to contact Administration at 580-225-2511 ext 302. We welcome opportunities to improve the safety and quality of the services we provide. If the concerns in questions cannot be resolved through the hospital, please contact the Joint Commission’s Office of Quality Monitoring toll free 1-800-994-6610. Requests and complaints made to the Joint Commission’s Office must be made in writing and addressed to:
Division of Accreditation Operations
Office of Quality Monitoring
Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
Or Faxed to 630-792-5636
Or E-mailed to complaint@jcaho.org
This notice is posted in accordance with the Joint Commission’s requirements. Date Posted: January 5, 2007